Monday, June 22, 2009

Other Sessions from the DLA 2009

Session summaries from the 2009 Distance Learning Administration conference.

This is a session on cheating in online courses. Based on dissertation findings, he had some interesting things to share.

Academic policies do help in reducing cheating. Anything in writing that students can read will reduce (not eliminate).

Cheating falls into four broad categories
  1. Different person taking class
  2. Collaboration during an assessment adctivity
  3. Use of unauthorized resources
  4. Using false technology failures
A number of methods for reducing specific cheating in eash area were then provided. One was to reduce the weighting of exams and quizzes.
Mission driven approach to distance learning leadership, 9 a.m.
The presenter couldn't make it so he presented using Skype. Interesting and great sound quality. Dr. Bernard Bull, Concordia Univeristy. Travel budgets cut back on his travel. Format works well.

  • office of DL, focused on business operations
  • individual instructor as designer, developer and instructor
  • growing use of adjuncts for desiging, developing and teaching
  • 2006-formed instructinal design center.
Primary goal
  • Instructional design leadership aligned with institution core values
  • first priority to elearning projects
  • elearning office part of acaemic affairs

Five assumptions
  1. Need mission statements
  2. Need to guide actions of organization
  3. help organization decide what not to do
  4. elearningand f-2-f will never provide same exsperience
  5. both can share common mission and core values